Sunday, September 04, 2005


The Sudan

If there is an area I can provide more than a pedestrian analysis about, it is The Sudan. I have been researching this topic for over a year, and not in casual way: 60+ books, countless journal articles, every Economist article since 1985, etc. It is a topic I came to care about through my research, and it is very difficult for me to tolerate the coverage the media typically gives it.

My opinions are going to chafe the conventional wisdom. Darfur- for all its horrors- is not a “genocide,” nor has it ever been. It would be only an issue of semantics if an understanding of the true nature of the conflict in The Sudan’s western region wasn’t so essential to crafting a solution to it. Even more important than Darfur, though, is the peace process that began earlier this year with the signing of the Naivasha Protocol, officially ending the 23 year old civil.

As news develops from The Sudan, I’ll link to it and discuss it. I’ll do my part to help people understand what is going on over there without the pointless and irrelevant religious and racial stereotypes assigned by an ignorant American press.

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