Saturday, June 03, 2006


Come again??

Politicians will say anything, I guess, to get elected:
If an election can turn on a sentence, this could be the one: “You don't need papers for voting.”

On Thursday night, Francine Busby, the Democratic candidate for the 50th Congressional District, was speaking before a largely Latino crowd in Escondido when she uttered those words. She said yesterday she simply misspoke.

But someone taped it and a recording began circulating yesterday. After she made that statement at the meeting, Busby immediately said: “You don't need to be a registered voter to help (the campaign).”

I understand the emotion of the immigration debate, and respect that people have a wide range of opinions on the issue, but the bottom line is that all of us - especially government officials - ought to believe that our laws need enforcement. The Democrats have serious issues to work out when it comes to illegal immigration if they can't get a consensus on that very basic point.


17 Terrorists Arrested in Toronto

In case I am being forgetful, can someone please remind me what the Canadians did to draw the ire of Islamists?


I'm Back

I'm going to be back to posting. It has been too long, and I really miss writing. There is a lot going on these days, and I want to get back to it. I won't be able to post during the day, on account of my job, but I'll try and put some stuff together on a more regular basis. Please keep coming back.

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