Saturday, June 03, 2006


Come again??

Politicians will say anything, I guess, to get elected:
If an election can turn on a sentence, this could be the one: “You don't need papers for voting.”

On Thursday night, Francine Busby, the Democratic candidate for the 50th Congressional District, was speaking before a largely Latino crowd in Escondido when she uttered those words. She said yesterday she simply misspoke.

But someone taped it and a recording began circulating yesterday. After she made that statement at the meeting, Busby immediately said: “You don't need to be a registered voter to help (the campaign).”

I understand the emotion of the immigration debate, and respect that people have a wide range of opinions on the issue, but the bottom line is that all of us - especially government officials - ought to believe that our laws need enforcement. The Democrats have serious issues to work out when it comes to illegal immigration if they can't get a consensus on that very basic point.

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